Surveying sea surface effect in satellite altimeter-derived wind speed


1 Iranian National Institute for Oceanography and Atmospheric Science, IRAN

2 Satellite Oceanography Laboratory, Russian State Hydrometeorological University, St. Petersburg, Russia

3 Laboratoire d’Oceanographie Spatiale, Ifremer, Plouzane


To improve sea surface wind speed in coastal regions, we used nadir satellite altimeter measurements in the Persian Gulf and Arabian Sea. With combining normalized radar cross section for two bands of satellite altimeter measurements and significant wave height suggested the method to obtain “true” sea surface wind speed. In the coastal regions, we used a dimensionless significant wave height to gain empirical dependency to fetch-limited wind wave development. In this research, normalized radar cross section is simulated by using inverse wave age and fetch laws. As established this method helps to refine altimeter measurements of sea surface wind in the coastal regions.


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