Simulation of Tidal in Khowr-e Musa by Using the TELEMAC Numerical ‎Model


1 Faculty of Marine and Oceanic Sciences, University of Mazandaran, Iran.

2 Department of Physical Oceanography, Faculty of Marine Science, Khorramshahr University of Marine Science and Technology, Khorramshahr, Iran.


Khowr-e Musa at the northwestern terminus of the Persian Gulf sedimentary basin is the widest and ‎longest inshore marine outcrop in the entire coast of the iran at present. In this research, the tidal Current velocity and tidal water level ‎in the Khowr-e Musa estuary was modeled in a 15-day ‎period from 18th of November 2006 by using the Telemac two-dimensional hydrodynamic software. For this purpose, the irregular mesh in two dimensions was selected from the smallest mesh ‎of 70 meters to the largest mesh of 210 meters. The topography of the area was added to the ‎grid of mesh by using an interpolation method. Then TPXO database tidal data applied along ‎the boundary of model. The friction coefficient was calculated using the Stickler theory with ‎the value of 40 m1/2s-1 and the model was executed with a time step of 10 seconds. After Sensitivity analysis and calibration, the model was ‎validated by using measurement data that’s provided by the ports and maritime organization. The results showed a good correlation of 94% between the results of the water surface level of modeling the tidal and measurement data and correlation of 73% between the results of the current velocity of modeling the tidal and measurement data, so the TELEMAC two-dimensional hydrodynamic model is suitable for studying the tidal current.


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