Guide for Authors


Paper Template

  - Title:

Title should be brief and informative reflecting the purpose and Content of the study (species should be identified by their scientific name). Avoid abbreviations and formulae where possible.

  - Author(s):

The full name of the author(s) should be listed under the title.

  - Affiliation(s):

The affiliation and address of the author(s) should be stated, identifiable by an index number in case of more than one author.

  - Abstract:

An abstract not more than 250 words should be attached, identifying upfront the scientific working hypothesis and reporting on the key findings only.

- Keywords:

Up to five descriptive keywords should be listed.

  - Introduction:

The introduction should be brief leading into the scientific working hypothesis of the study. It can include three parts of the importance of the issue, the literature and the goal and a brief description of the current study.

  - Materials and methods:

Materials and methods must be sufficiently detailed so that readers can exactly repeat the study.

   - Results:

The text of the results should interpret the findings and not repeat data already presented in figures and tables.

 - Discussion:

The discussion should focus on critical key issues (citing essential references pertinent to the critical issues of the paper).

     - Tables:

 Tables should be numbered in the order they appear in the text. A brief title should be typed above each table, explaining in full all abbreviations and units used. Vertical rules should be avoided.

    - Figures:

A descriptive list of numbered figures should be attached. A brief title should be typed under each figure, clearly explaining all symbols and abbreviations depicted in the figures.

    - References:

References must be numbered and be listed in the list of references in the order they were referred to in the text. Complete details of the references will appear in the list of references. Just mention those references which were mentioned in the paper.

    - Appendices 

- If there is more than one appendix, they should be identified as A, B, etc.


- international system of units (SI))